Please be patient, the site is currently under construction and currently being updated. If you have any questions, feel free to email.

Make it your own!

  • Commisions

    We take commissions for work on paintings, wood-working, wood-carving, epoxy-resin art, coasters, serving trays, and charcuterie boards. If you see a certain design or phrasing you like, no matter the language, please let us know. We will do our best to achieve your desired result.

  • Custom Orders

    For individual orders on customized T-shirts, please make sure you send the following information: shirt size, shirt style, shirt color, design, design location, design color, design size, and if any special instructions are needed.

  • Custom Bulk Orders

    If you’d like to make a bulk order of a custom order or an item in our inventory, please send the following information: number of shirts, number of shirt sizes, shirt style, shirt color, design, design location, design color, design size, and if any special instructions are needed. Be sure to have the correct numbers and details for your order before sending.